LENGTH OF LINE : 8.527 meters
Ankaray taken into account in the 2015 Ankara Urban Transportation Master Plan, had been designed as a project that will meet the high service demands of the modern part of the city center and to integrate the newly built Ankara Intercity passenger terminal. The Mass Rail Transit System's route had been designed as follows : Starting from the ASTI Terminal, Beşevler, Tandoğan, Maltepe, Kızılay, Kurtuluş and Dikimevi.
The construction of ANKARAY had started on August 1992. The construction was completed on August 30th 1996 and the operation started with 33 wagons (11 trains (with 3 sets of wagons).

Within the scope of the construction of Kızılay-Çayyolu Metro Line 2 (M2), while the work of M2 was in progress, ANKARAY line was extended from the ASTI station -for one station- to connect to the Söğütözü common station. In this context, ANKARAY Söğütözü station building and 788 meters of line construction work was completed. With the protocol signed on 04.25. 2011, the remaining of the project was turned over to the Ministry of Transport to be completed. In order for the work of this line to be finished, the responsible Ministry held an auction on 12.13.2011 and contracted the work out on 02.09. 2012, at which time the work began. The time of completion of this metro line is expected to take 730 days, after its' completion, it will be transferred back to our organization.